Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro exchange rates against currencies in North and
South America for June 10
North and South America
Asia and Pacific
Middle East and Central Asia
Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro (NIO) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the
currency and press the "convert" button.
The Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro is the currency in Nicaragua (NI, NIC). The
symbol for NIO can be written C$. The Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro is
divided into 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Nicaraguan
Cordoba Oro was last updated on ? from ?.
Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro 1 NIOin NIO Australian
Dollar0.056417.73 Canadian Dollar0.04920.39
Swiss Franc0.054218.46 Euro0.039325.48
British Pound0.032430.
Cordoba Oro Wandler (NIO - NICARAGUA) konvertiert Cordoba Oro in jeder
beliebigen Währung Sie wollen.
Le convertisseur Lari / Cordoba Oro vous permet de faire une
conversion de la monnaie de GÉORGIE à NICARAGUA en fonction du taux de
* Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro United Arab Emirates Dirham (NIO in AED)
* Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro Australian Dollar (NIO in AUD)
* Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro Canadian Dollar (NIO in CAD)
* Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro Swiss Franc (NIO in CHF)
Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro(NIO) are illustrated in the content section
below. The amount in the Currency Rate column offer the sum of
currency units that can be converted with 1 basic unit from the latest
Cordoba Oro(NIO) are organised in the table below. The numbers in the
Currency Convertor column reveal the amount of currency units that can
be bought with 1 basic unit based on recent currency rates.
Dram(AMD) to Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro(NIO) are illustrated in the
content section below. The amount in the Currency Rate column offer
the sum of currency units that can be converted with 1 basic unit from
the latest quotes.