Fiji Dollar (FJD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the
currency and press the "convert" button. To show Fiji Dollar and just
one other currency click on any other currency.
The Fiji dollar is not a true dollar in the sense that it is descended
directly from the Spanish pieces of eight, as is the case with the US
dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the East Caribbean Dollar.
* Fiji Dollar United Arab Emirates Dirham (FJD in AED)
* Fiji Dollar Australian Dollar (FJD in AUD)
* Fiji Dollar Canadian Dollar (FJD in CAD)
* Fiji Dollar Swiss Franc (FJD in CHF)
1 Fiji Dollar is equal to:
Albanian Lek
Belarus Ruble
British Pound
Fiji Dollar exchange rates against currencies in North and South
America for June 10
North and South America
Asia and Pacific
Middle East and Central Asia
The Fiji Dollar Exchange Rate represented on this page is updated
every 5 minutes!
The currency code for the Fiji dollar is FJD. You may see this
represented as FJ$ or F$ on Fiji websites. Notes are available in
denominations of $2, $5, $10, $20, and $50.
of the Fiji dollar (against the US dollar) and an expectation of an
imminent devaluation of the currency.
On the first, the value of our local currency is determined through a
formula that combines the Australian, US, and New Zealand dollars, the
euro, and the Japanese yen.
Update: 1:29PM The Fiji Dollar has been devalued by 20 percent with
immediate effect, the Reserve Bank of Fiji announced moments ago.
Fiji Dollar is ...
... part of the Currencies subject.
* Fiji Dollar / Azerbaijanian Manat
* Fiji Dollar / Convertible Mark
* Fiji Dollar / Barbados Dollar
* Fiji Dollar / Taka
* Fiji Dollar / Franc ( Euro)
Fiji Dollar converter (FJD - FIJI) will convert Fiji Dollar in any
currency you want.
Fiji dollar - the basic unit of money in Fijidollar - the basic
monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 cents
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