1 Guyana Dollar is equal to:
Albanian Lek
Belarus Ruble
British Pound
Guyana dollar - the basic unit of money in Guyanadollar - the basic
monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 cents
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Guyana dollar down in first quarter
August 21, 1999
US Dollar / Guyana Dollar converter (VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.) /
US Dollar / Guyana Dollar converter (USD / GYD) will convert the
currency of VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.) in currency of GUYANA with the
actual exchange rate.
to change on a daily basis, but the Guyana dollar has depreciated
17.6% from 1998 to 2000 and may depreciate further pending the
stability of the post-election period.
Guyana is a member of the WTO.
* 1 Guyana Dollars are worth 0 Bahrain Dinars
* 1 Guyana Dollars are worth 0.34 Bangladesh Takas
* 1 Guyana Dollars are worth 0.01 Barbados Dollars
* 1 Guyana Dollars are worth 13.