Pakistan Rupee (PKR) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the
currency and press the "convert" button. To show Pakistan Rupee and
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The Pakistan rupee – also known as the Pakistani rupee – has served as
the national currency of Islamic Republic of Pakistan since 1948. The
rupee was converted from an imperial-type currency to a decimal-based
currency in 1961.
The Pakistan Rupee was introduced on April 1, 1948 at par with the
Indian Rupee. The Pakistan Rupee was divided into 16 Annas until 1961
and 100 Paisa from 1961 on. The State Bank of Pakistan and the
Pakistan Government issue banknotes.
Pakistan Rupee 1 PKRin PKR Australian Dollar0.01471.48
Canadian Dollar0.012282.24 Swiss Franc0.013474.4
Euro0.0097102.8 British Pound0.008124.
Pakistan Rupee exchange rates against currencies in North and South
America for June 10
North and South America
Asia and Pacific
Middle East and Central Asia
The Pakistan rupee is a remote cousin of the
Indian rupee. Advance Pakistan forex trading platform demo also
While the Pakistan Rupee spot exchange rate is quoted
and exchanged in the same day, the Pakistan Rupee forward rate is
quoted today but for delivery and payment on a specific future date.