The peso (originally established as the peso convertible) is the currency of Argentina. Its ISO 4217 code is ARS, and the symbol used locally for it is $ (to avoid confusion, Argentines frequently use U$D, US$, U$, U$S, or U$A to indicate U.S. dollars).
On April 9, 2005 the peso convertible "CUC" has in turn been revaluated with 8% versus all currencies. This is reflected in the exchange rates listed on this page.
On April 9, 2005 the peso convertible has in turn been revaluated with 8% versus all currencies. The currency was revaluated again by 3% in May 2006. This is reflected in the exchange rates listed on this page.
On April 9, 2005 the peso convertible has in turn been revaluated with 8% versus all currencies. The currency was revaluated again by 3% in May 2006.
The value of the peso convertible (CUC or tourist dollar) is officially set at $1.00 CUC = $1.08 USD. In reality, with mandatory bank fees, the actual cost is approximately $1.00 CUC = $1.12 USD.
dollars to peso convertible remains in place. This means that the "exchange value" (as listed in the banks) of the US dollar is effectively reduced by and additional 10% for both tourists and Cubans.
exchanging dollars to peso convertible remains in place.
On April 9, 2005 the peso convertible has in turn been revaluated with 8% versus all currencies. The currency was revaluated again by 3% in May 2006. This is reflected in the exchange rates listed on this page.
Peso Convertible Cubano coin Peso Convertible Cubano coin 10 Centavos Peso Convertible Cubano coin Peso Convertible Cubano coin 25 Centavos Peso Convertible Cubano coin Peso Convertible
On April 9, 2005 the peso convertible has in turn been revaluated with 8% versus all currencies. This is reflected in the exchange rates listed on this page.
Adviso: No piense que en Cuba el Peso Cubano y el Peso Convertible son la misma cosa. Considere el Peso Convertible como "dólar" y el Peso Cubano como "peso". Los cubanos le llaman el peso convertible "chavito" y al Peso Cubano "moneda nacional" o MN ($1 CUC = 24 Pesos cubanos).
convertisseur mark - convertisseur peso convertible cubain - convertisseur mark en Convertisseur Mark convertible / Som Le convertisseur Mark convertible / Som vous permet de faire une conversion de la monnaie de BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE à KIRGHIZISTAN en fonction du taux